CAD+ Toolset | Utilities for SOLIDWORKS automation
SOLIDWORKS utilities for improving your productivity in SOLIDWORKS. Automate properties, geometry, export and much more

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BOM Items Feature Manager Tab is not added in BOM+


BOM+ non-modeled items manager tab is not available in the Feature Manager tree.


  • BOM+ feature is not activated. BOM+ is a part of the Professional package of CAD+ and will not be loaded in Community or Standard Package. Find more information about CAD+ packages here
  • Tab is added to parts and assemblies only (not available in drawings)
  • Tab is added to the bottom feature manager tab. If not visible - move the bottom tab
  • Items Environment is not enabled

Items Manager tab in the bottom panel of the feature manager tab
Items Manager tab in the bottom panel of the feature manager tab


  • Activate Professional or Premium package of BOM+
  • Move the bottom feature manager tab to top
  • Enable Items Environment

Product of Xarial Product of Xarial