CAD+ Toolset | Utilities for SOLIDWORKS automation
SOLIDWORKS utilities for improving your productivity in SOLIDWORKS. Automate properties, geometry, export and much more

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BOM+ context menu is missing in the Windows File Explorer


When SOLIDWORKS files are selected in the Windows File Explorer BOM+ command is not shown for the SOLIDWORKS files.


There may be multiple reasons why the command is not available

  • BOM+ is supported for SOLIDWORKS assemblies and part files (.sldasm and .sldprt). Menu command will not be shown for any other file type
  • In Windows 11 context menu can be set to Compact which does not display all commands
  • SOLIDWORKS assembly, drawing and part files are not associated with SOLIDWORKS application (e.g. files can be associated with eDrawings application)


  • Select .sldasm and .sldprt files
  • In Windows 11 hold Shift button when accessing context menu to see the advanced commands
  • Register context menu command association by running the following regedit file
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Xarial\CAD+ Toolset\\bomplus.exe\" --file \"%1\""

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Xarial\\CAD+ Toolset\\bomplus.exe\" --file \"%1\""
  • Run BOM+ from the command line
"C:\Program Files\Xarial\CAD+ Toolset\bomplus.exe" --file "PATH TO FILE"

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