CAD+ Toolset | Utilities for SOLIDWORKS automation
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Accessing CAD+ Toolset Macro+ framework form the xCAD Macro (.NET)

xCAD macro is a DLL which implements IXCadMacro interface in the Xarial.CadPlusPlus nuget package. Implementation must be also decorated with XCadMacroAttribute

Run method is called every time the macro needs to be executed.

[Title("Sample xCAD Macro")]
[Description("Exampe of xCAD macro in C#")]
[Icon(typeof(Resources), nameof(Resources.macro_icon))]
public class XCadMacroSample : IXCadMacro
    public void Run(IJobItemRunMacroOperation operation)

Title, description and icon of the macro can be customized using the TitleAttribute, DescriptionAttribute and IconAttribute attributes

Accesing xCAD.NET Objects

xCAD macro is based on xCAD.NET Framework and pointers to the application and documents can be accessed using the code below

IXApplication app = operation.Application;
IXDocument doc = operation.Document;

Accessing Arguments

In order to access arguments and the resolved values use the code below

foreach (IXCadMacroArgument arg in operation.Arguments) 
    var argVal = arg.GetValue();

Registering Custom Variables

It is also possible to register custom variables in the Expression Box Control that can be resolved within the macro.

public class MyContext 
    public string Data { get; }

    public MyContext(string data)
        Data = data;

public class MyMacroVariableValueProvider : VariableValueProvider<MyContext>
    public const string VAR_MY_VAR_NAME = "myVar";

    public override object Provide(string name, object[] args, MyContext context)
        switch (name)
            case VAR_MY_VAR_NAME:
                return "My Variable Value";

                throw new NotSupportedException();

public class MyMacroVariableLinks : List<IExpressionVariableLink>
    public MyMacroVariableLinks()
        Add(new ExpressionVariableLink("MyVar", "My Variable", Resources.variable_icon.ToBitmapImage(true),
            s => new ExpressionTokenVariable(MyMacroVariableValueProvider.VAR_MY_VAR_NAME, null), false));

public class MyMacroVariablesDescriptor : IExpressionVariableDescriptor
    public ExpressionVariableArgumentDescriptor[] GetArguments(IExpressionTokenVariable variable, out bool dynamic)
        switch (variable.Name)
            case MyMacroVariableValueProvider.VAR_MY_VAR_NAME:
                dynamic = false;
                return null;

                throw new NotSupportedException();

    public System.Windows.Media.Brush GetBackground(IExpressionTokenVariable variable)
        switch (variable.Name)
            case MyMacroVariableValueProvider.VAR_MY_VAR_NAME:
                return System.Windows.Media.Brushes.LightBlue;

                throw new NotSupportedException();

    public string GetDescription(IExpressionTokenVariable variable)
        switch (variable.Name)
            case MyMacroVariableValueProvider.VAR_MY_VAR_NAME:
                return "My Variable";

                throw new NotSupportedException();

    public System.Windows.Media.ImageSource GetIcon(IExpressionTokenVariable variable)
        switch (variable.Name)
            case MyMacroVariableValueProvider.VAR_MY_VAR_NAME:
                return Resources.variable_icon.ToBitmapImage(true);

                throw new NotSupportedException();

    public string GetTitle(IExpressionTokenVariable variable)
        switch (variable.Name)
            case MyMacroVariableValueProvider.VAR_MY_VAR_NAME:
                return "MyVar";

                throw new NotSupportedException();
public class MyXCadMacro : IXCadMacro

Registering Results

Use the code below to register the result file and set the individual results

public class MyResultFile : IJobItemOperationResultFile
    public string Path { get; }
    public JobItemOperationResultFileStatus_e Status { get; set; }

    public MyResultFile(string path)
        Path = path;
        Status = JobItemOperationResultFileStatus_e.Initializing;
var resFiles = new MyResultFile[]
    new MyResultFile(@"D:\file1.stp"),
    new MyResultFile(@"D:\file2.stp")


foreach (var resFile in resFiles) 
        //TODO: process the result file (e.g. export)
        resFile.Status = JobItemOperationResultFileStatus_e.Succeeded;
        resFile.Status = JobItemOperationResultFileStatus_e.Failed;


It is also possible to report the status and progress messages to the application via various ways

//Report operation issue
operation.ReportIssue("Something went wrong", JobItemIssueType_e.Error);

    //TODO: perform operation
catch (Exception ex)
    //Reporting the user error
    operation.ReportIssue(ex.ParseUserError("Unknown error"), JobItemIssueType_e.Error);

//Adds the trace message
operation.Logger.Log("Starting the process", XCad.Base.Enums.LoggerMessageSeverity_e.Information);

//Adds the log message into the log window
operation.Log("Outputting the file");

//Sets the user result to be displayed in the report grid

Custom Errors

All unhandled exceptions thrown by the macro will be handled by Macro+ and displayed as the Generic Error.

In order to show the content of the exception as the error thrown Xarial.CadPlus.Plus.Exceptions.UserException or implement Xarial.XToolkit.Reporting.IUserMessageException in the custom exception

if (!(doc is IXDrawing)) 
    throw new UserException("Only drawing documents are supported");

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